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Character Interviews
An interview with Melissa Vance
A great way to flesh out your characters when writing fiction is to do an interview with them when you’re writing your novel. This can be done in the outlining stage or after the first draft or even during revisions, whichever feels right for you. Do them like a news reporter interviewing a subject
I did a lot of mine after the first draft of the story, and today I am sharing the interview originally published on my blog of the one I did for the main character of my first novel No Remorse No Regret. Continue reading through to find out where to pick up the novel.
IW — Melissa, tell me what got you into this career.
Melissa — I didn’t have much of a choice.
IW — in what way?
Melissa — I was accidentally rescued by Danil Burlomov. He thought I was a bag of drugs dumped from a plane. He scooped me out of the water and put a gun at the back of my head and forced me to kill a man. From that point I was his to do with whatever he pleased.
IW — There was no way to ever go to the police?
Melissa — Oh yeah, I could have confessed to killing someone. How would that have helped me? I was just doing what I had to do to survive.